
Sweet As Revenge Goes To Malaysia!

Arch! Another great event happening on the 4th April. Tadi Salim ym aku and asked, "pegi gig tak?". Wahai, aku bercuti di Genting time tu. Kalau tak pun, why expect me to go if you're not going with me? Aku tak reti pegi gig sorang-sorang. Salim tak pegi, katanya lagi busy study ya. Exam nya sudah dekat ya pak? Good luck tau!


So this rocking and energetic band from Indonesia is coming to town! Opening act pun suma bagus-bagus. Terutamanya yang itu (haha aku taknak sebut!).

Ah aku dah takde idea nak citer apa lagi, cos flyer tu dah provide all the details.

Aku chow dulu ya!

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